Are you ready to take the Sweet Treat BINGO Challenge? Common Goods is hosting its 2nd annual Sweet Treat BINGO Challenge and can't wait for you to join in on the fun. Bingo cards can be picked up at any Common Goods location starting on Feb 1st. Common Goods staff will stamp your Sweet Treat BINGO card anytime a challenge is completed such as 'Donate on a Monday' 'High-five a Staff Member' 'Shop in Crosby' and so on. Get a BINGO and Common Goods will give you a Sweet Treat when you turn in your completed card between Feb 1st and Valentine's Day. On Valentine's Day, three lucky BINGO cards will be drawn for an extra Sweet Treat....a 50% off shopping spree with no buying limit! *50% off shopping spree winners is valid for one checkout. *Sweet Treat BINGO Challenge cards can be picked up at any Common Goods location between Feb 1st and February 14th during regular business hours. *Completed Sweet Treat BINGO Challenge cards can be turned in to any Common Goods location on or before February 14th and must have a BINGO to receive a Sweet Treat. *A BINGO consists of 5 congruent stamped spaces either vertical, horizontal, or diagonal.
Friday Feb 2, 2024
9:00 AM - 6:00 PM CST
Monday-Saturday, CLOSED SUNDAY
Common Goods
Baxter Location: 16227 MN 371
Crosslake Location: 35562 Co Rd 66
Crosby Location: 27 W Main Street
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25532 South Main Street, Nisswa, MN 56468 – (218) 963-2620 –