Nisswa Smokin' Hot BBQ VIP Ticket Sales
Purchase your VIP tickets for the Smokin' Hot BBQ today! Enjoy the activities of the Fall Festival and top the day off with some great BBQ. Tickets will be available for pickup at the Nisswa Chamber office Monday, September 11th-Friday, September 15th from 10am-4pm. They will be available at will call near the VIP tent on the day of the event beginning at 10am. Click "REGISTER" to the right to get your tickets!

Date and Time
Friday Sep 1, 2023 Friday Sep 15, 2023
7:00am-10:00am Nisswa Fire Department Pancake Breakfast
Nisswa Fire Department
10:00am First Medallion Hunt clue posted ($100 cash prize!)
The Dock Panther
12:00pm Second Medallion Hunt clue posted
The Dock Panther
12:00pm-8:00pm Beer Garden
The Pickle Factory Parking Lot & Turtle Track
12:30pm Cornhole Tournament Registration ($10 per person)
Information Tent
1:00pm Cornhole Tournament
Turtle Track
1:00pm-3:30pm Live Music - Jack Franzen & The Muddy Water Band
The Pickle Stage
2:00pm-4:00pm BBQ Ticket Sales - $3 per rib or 2 for $5
Ticket Tent
2:00pm Final Medallion Hunt clue posted
Chamber of Commerce office
4:00pm Smokin’ Hot BBQ Contest judging (closed to public)
Chamber of Commerce office
4:00pm-8:00pm Live Music - The Southern Express Band
The Pickle Stage
4:15pm Smokin’ Hot BBQ Contest VIP Eating
Party Time Rental VIP Tent
4:45pm Smokin’ Hot BBQ General Eating
Smokin’ Hot BBQ area
6:00pm Smokin’ Hot BBQ Contest winners announced
The Pickle Stage
Enjoy pretty good shopping, dining, treats, activities and more throughout Nisswa!
downtown Nisswa - near Ye Old Pickle Factory
Your $60 VIP Ticket Includes: EXCLUSIVE access to the VIP tent with a VIP-only bar and your meal (7 ribs, cowboy beans, mac & cheese, cornbread, dessert & a beverage).