United Way Fishing Tournament
A new event for 2023! The Lakes Area United Way has partnered with the United Way of Bemidji Area to host a fishing tournament! The two day tournament runs from 6 am on Saturday, July 22 through 6 pm on Sunday, July 23, 2023 - you can fish as much as you would like during the 36 hour event! Teams of two can fish any lake within Beltrami, Clearwater, Hubbard, Aitkin, Cass and Crow Wing counties along with the Cass Lake Chain of Lakes. Record measurements virtually with FishDonkey.
• Bass and Walleye Categories
• Top 3 Prizes Guaranteed (Both Categories): First $4,000, Second $2,000 and Third $1,000

Date and Time
Saturday Jul 22, 2023 Sunday Jul 23, 2023
Fishing begins Saturday, July 22 at 6am. Final scores need to be recorded by 6pm on Sunday, July 23.
$200 Entry Fee - 2 people per team