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When Your Business Is Struggling in These Key Areas, Find a Business Coach

Being a business owner is not easy, even if you have a brilliant startup idea to work with. A company does not run itself, and that is why you must master a wide array of administrative skills for your business to succeed. You can find a seasoned business coach who can help you right away when you identify the key areas in which your enterprise is struggling.


Two major problems can crop up when you have a faulty hiring process. Either you will hire the wrong employees who are inefficient in their roles, or you will have a high turnover rate that results in higher recruitment costs on your end.

Your business coach can help you target the right kinds of workers with your recruitment campaign, including freelancers who are well-suited for certain tasks. Additionally, an experienced mentor can likely recommend a staffing agency that can quickly connect you with high-quality candidates in just a few days. This solution works well if you do not have the time to evaluate a large number of candidates yourself.


Without a competent marketing strategy, word of your business will struggle to reach your target audience. Potential customers will simply be unaware of your service unless you have a marketing campaign that informs the community of your existence.

Social media presents a powerful and modern method for engaging with consumers in your ideal demographic. Your business coach can help you develop a marketing strategy that includes Facebook advertisements as part of your social media campaign. When you have a plan to work with, put it into motion by using a Facebook ads maker to create an attention-grabbing ad with your company logo and an assortment of fonts, colors, and imagery. 


Statistics show that 82% of small businesses fail because of cash flow problems. You can protect yourself from this intimidating figure by taking proper steps toward better financial health.

Choosing a mentor with several years of business management under their belt will benefit you immensely. When it comes to planning a budget and knowing what to expect from seasonal financial shifts, nothing beats experience. Your coach can help guide you away from common mistakes that they might have personally made in the past. 

How Can You Find a Business Coach?

The best mentor is someone who has a personal stake in your success, whether that entails a university acquaintance or another local business owner who wants to see the community thrive. Barring that, consider reaching out to industry peers via social media or at professional gatherings. Be sure to meet with your potential mentor before coming to an agreement to ensure that your personalities mesh well and that you have a good communication dynamic.

If you cannot afford a business coach at the moment, there are many services that can help you cut costs elsewhere. You might restructure your LLC as a Minnesota S corporation to eliminate self-employment taxes, and you can do so using a formation service to avoid lawyer fees in the process.

The best business coach is someone who is willing to leverage their experience as an advocate for your personal success. By becoming a business owner, you have already demonstrated that you have the drive and passion to continue growing. Find a mentor who recognizes this about you, and you will have an ally that can expertly guide you away from past failures and help you hire capable employees and freelancers.

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Image: Pexels

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